Sunday, 19 February 2017

interview:barrister waleed khanzada by farwa khanzada

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Barrister Waleed Khanzada

Barrister Waleed Khanzada is very young and energetic addition to the Law structure of Pakistan. He did his LLB in 2006 from Bukingham University England. Then he took the degree of Barret Law from Linkedin University in 2007. Later on he came to his native land Pakistan and started his career as Senior Law Associate of Nafees Siddiqi in december 2007.

Q#1: Firstly tell me why did you select this proffession in doctors and engeniers dominating society?
Answer: I wanted to become like my Grand father, he was in this field thats why i choose this proffession. Once i started my studies to get to know what it is all about, even in my A-levels, i took one subject of Law, then i found it more interesting.

Q#2: why did you started your career in Pakistan after completing your education from reknowed foriegn institute?
Answer: because im a firm believer that person should be where he belongs and my roots are in Pakistan.
Q#3: what does the qualities or characteristics a good lawyer or barrister must posses?
Amswer: Firstly, keeping Pakistan in mind, I would say ethics and other than that obviously hard work is always there and good grass for what you are saying and knowledge of the principles of Law, thats all you need.
Q#4: Do you think that ability to become a good lawyer or barrister is God gifted like poet and painter?
Answer: yes, you can say to some extend because if you are a lawyer litegater then obvioisly you need to have thag thing which is mostly gifted. When you are on your field, the way you speak, tne way you present yoyr case, to some extend it is gifted.
Q#5: What are the basic reasons behind the useless extention and postponement of cases in Pakistan courts?
Answer: In Pakistan, what it is totally different senarios here, sometimes the Lawyers aren't present, sometimes Judges changes and our lower Judicial change quit often and every new Judge comes in place, he requires new trial all together which is uderstandable. But other than this, it is part of our system for some reasons.
Q#6: In Pakistan,  high fees charged panel Lawyers and Barristers also create so many difficulties for poor public in seeking justice, how do you analyse this action of our lawyers?
Answer: It depends on the feeses varies from case to case and a person who is dealing with your matters from advocte to advocate. But i dont think due to high feeses people dont come to the Courts because there are so many things like Legal aids providing by the Goverment where you dont have to pay anything, there are many NGO's like Human rights and so many others.
Q#7: In courts, lawyers sometimes ask very derogatory and unethical questions from other party. So, is this behaviour a proper and official part of this proffession or its just self adopted policy of our lawyers?
Answer: No its not at all. Mostly these are the one which you are refering. None of such cases comes in between but its just a individual lawyer not the whole lawyer community itself.
Q#8: What are the main drop ass of overall law structure of Pakistan?
Answer: That would be definately that every single thing is decided by the court. Whereas if you compare this system with England and our neighbour India its quite lengthy procedure in Pakistan. Whereas in England you come to court for only controversy matters. Everything other will be sort out in Pre-trial stages but here we don't have pre-trial stages.
Q#9: According to you what is your biggest achievement of your career?
Answer: Of my Law practice, it would be the case of High importance in Pakistan as well as for Goverment . We did a contract on behalf of the Karachi Port Trust, that was the contract of 50 billion dollars and basically that tender process was held by us which was successful.
Q#10: Tell me about your future plans.
Answer: My future plans would be idealy to excel in this field like my Grand father and may be someday become the top most lawyer of Pakistan, hopefully.

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